Saturday, April 24, 2010

Paula White -Parallel Play

Paula White

I think this video presentation hits the nail on the head. She has put into words the best teaching procedures. Sharing with others our passion can be a teaching tool. We have to be careful though not to think that what we are passionate about others will be passionate about as well. I know that this class is often like pulling teeth for me. Just like the post be
1. What is your most significant "takeaway" or learning point from the video? Why? Elaborate in detail. Having students find and then teach about something they are passionate about is a very effective way to teach.
2. How does this video / the ideas of this video relate or connect with your own experiences from your life. Elaborate. Sharing with others our passion can be a teaching tool. We have to be careful though not to think that what we are passionate about others will be passionate about as well.
3. What are some of the implications of this video / the ideas of this video for your own teaching practice and pedagogic creed as a educator? This is a clear example of a best practice teaching method. Progressive ideology includes activity based student centered curricula. This video discusses just that. Curricula that I have already developed implements project based education throughout.

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